Contribution to the development of blood donation in Russia

PHARMACOR PRODUCTION supported the National Health Development Fund and acted as a partner of the VIII All-Russian Co-Participation Award for the contribution to the development of blood donation. The Award ceremony was held at the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.
The awards for the contribution to the development of blood donation were presented for the eighth time. Each laureate also received a set of products to improving health and raising quality of living by PHARMACOR PRODUCTION. These include Echinacea and Mango Flu immuno-stimulating complexes, Coenzyme Q10 to maintain normal cardiac performance and strengthen the blood vessels, Relaxen and Glycine, contributing to central nervous system endurance, as well as Mussel D3 Calcium — an irreplaceable source of calcium and vitamin D. “The products of PHARMACOR PRODUCTION help to support the donor’s health during the recovery period between donations of blood and its components, and, consequently, are the tools to promote the development of donor movement in Russia. Responsible donors of blood and its components regularly do medical check-up and try to improve their health, recognizing the responsibility for the safety of future recipients,” — the importance of the joint social project was emphasized by Elena Stefanyuk, the Director of the National Health Development Fund, Deputy Head of the Coordination Center for Blood Donation in the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation.