GCC UNIVERSAL Gel in a new 100 ml volume now

Alongside with the GCC UNIVERSAL gel excellently acknowledged on the pharma market in 50 ml tube, this gel has been issued in a new 100 ml volume tube in March this year.
The GCC UNIVERSAL gel for topical application contains a complex of active substances which promote muscles relaxation, nourish and strengthen collagen fibres of connective tissue, have healing and soothing effect.
Glucozamin and chondroitin included into the gel exert anti-inflammatory effect, inhibit the cartilaginous tissue deterioration process, contribute to recovery of the joint mobility after injuries.
The unique formula of the gel contains dexpanthenol, which enhances transdermal penetration of the active components.
Extract of marsh cinquefoil (Cómarum palústre) has an anti-inflammatory effect, promotes muscles relaxation and reduces oedema in the joint region.
Essential oils of juniper (Juníperus) and sage (Sālvia officinālis) exert bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, relax muscles in the joint region.
Advantages of the UNIVERSAL GCC Gel:
- reduces pain and stiffness in damaged joints
- enhances functionality of the joints
- significantly improves quality of life
- easy to apply, is well absorbed, has pleasant smell
- optimum volume for course application
- reasonable price.
It is recommended:
- as a part of comprehensive treatment of joint diseases
- by healing of traumatic lesions of joints, in sports medicine
- by high physical loads on locomotor system
- for elderly people, who have age-related changes in joints.
The maximum effect can be reached by an integral action of all clinically approved produced forms of the GCC family.
The GLUCOZAMIN-CHONDROITIN COMPLEX and GCC-Ultra COMPLEX, composition of which is supplemented with MSM and incense tree extract, are produced in capsules.