Hepacomb. Ovelux

Private label
Plant components of the complex facilitate the liver purification, liver cell regeneration, stimulate bile formation and bile secretion, protect the liver from poisoning toxins.
- To accelerate the processes of liver cells cleansing and regeneration
- To increase the resistance of liver cells to harmful effects (pharmaceuticals, alcohol, toxins)
- To prevent skin problems (rashes, etc.).
unique composition based on 4 best herbs for liver protection
oat seed extract, dandelion extract, milk thistle extract, mint extract, vitamin E
30 capsules in a polymer jar or 15 capsules in a push-through-pack. One jar with a label or two push-through-packs with instructions for use in a carton box.
Adults should take 1 capsule 3 times a day during meals.
Take for 1 month. It is recommended consulting your doctor before use.